• Activities 
  • Self-published work



    2017   "Lexical and syntactic complexity of narrative English texts for children versus for adults: computational and corpus-based approaches to a comparison" [draft 2017/01/14]. Self-published. [download]

    2003   "An investigation of for to infinitive clauses in the BNC". Self-published. [download]

    1999   "Cause-effect, premise-conclusion and clauses of cause/reason". Self-published. [download]

    1999   "Reason clauses in Early Modern English translations: Observations on extracts from translations of Boethius's De consolatione philosophiae". Self-published. [download]

    1991   "Kausale Beziehungen im Französischen: Eine Studie anhand der Erzählung 'Les bijoux' von Maupassant auf der Basis eines konzeptuellen Gedächtnismodells". Self-published. [download]

    1991   "Geständnis und Doppelbindung in La Nouvelle Héloise: Eine Untersuchung auf kommunikationstheoretischer Grundlage". Self-published. [download]

    1990   "The Hottentot Room als narrative Hermeneutik des Daseins: Zum Einfluß von Heideggers Sein und Zeit auf Christopher Hopes Roman". Self-published. [download]

    1990   "Authenticity and Inauthenticity in Imamu Amiri Baraka's (LeRoi Jones') 'The Alternative': An Interpretation in the Context of Martin Heidegger's Being and Time". Self-published. [download]